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Consumer conflicts

At the Arbitration Center of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (CAUAL), we are committed to offering an effective and accessible consumer dispute resolution service, helping consumers and suppliers find fair and balanced solutions to their disputes.

We believe that arbitration and mediation are effective ways to ensure justice in a fast and accessible manner, avoiding lengthy and complex legal proceedings. At CAUAL, we have specialized professionals who act as arbitrators and mediators, providing an impartial and safe environment where both parties can present their issues and collaborate in the search for an agreement that meets their needs.

To ensure the accessibility of this service, we provide a simple and transparent procedure, where consumers can submit their consumer disputes using the form below. Here, we work to ensure that each case is treated with the utmost dedication, promoting a relationship of trust and respect between the parties involved.

Make your ComplaintLegal documentationAcknowledgementsStatistical information
Request for Dispute Resolution

Using the form below, you can submit your request for clarification or your request to initiate proceedings.

CAUAL has a success rate of 98%, through mediation and the average time for resolving cases is 30 days.

You may withdraw from the process at any time, simply by informing us of your decision so that we can inform the parties.

Click here to start a formal complaint process with CAUAL

Have you previously contacted the supplier/service provider or party with whom you have a conflict?

According to Decree-Law No. 144/2015, of September 8, the consumer must first attempt to resolve the dispute directly with the supplier of the good or service in question before resorting to arbitration or mediation mechanisms.

Was this last contact made more than 15 days ago without receiving a response?

According to Article 5 of Decree-Law No. 74/2017, of June 21, after submitting a complaint in the Complaints Book, whether in physical or electronic format, the entity concerned is obliged to respond to the consumer within 15 working days, counting from the date of submission of the complaint.
This response must be sent to the contact details provided by the complainant at the time of the complaint.

Contact details

Please provide your full name
Please provide your email so we can contact you
Please provide your telephone number if you wish to be contacted by this means.
Please indicate your address if you consider it relevant to the case.

Information about the Company, Person or Entity targeted

If known
Name of person you dealt with, if applicable
Related Department/Sector
Maximum of 3 options

Details of the dispute

Briefly describe the main issue of the conflict.
Describe the situation in detail
If relevant to the topic
If relevant to the topic
If available, for transaction identification
Have you already filed this complaint with other official entities?
Which entities were contacted?
Indicate a maximum of 3 options
Describe the actions you have taken previously to resolve the situation.

Consequences suffered as a consumer

Type of damage suffered
Indicate a maximum of 5 options
Describe in detail the losses suffered, including monetary amounts, if applicable.

Additional Information

Attach files such as photos, documents, screenshots, etc. that you consider relevant.

Maximum file size: 20MB


Indicate the name and contact details of witnesses, if any.
Full name of the witness
Contact email
Contact telephone number, if applicable

Resolution Preference

Indicate the possible ways that you consider can lead to a good resolution of the conflict.
Type of Resolution Intended
Indicate a maximum of 5 options
Preferred method of contact
Choose how you prefer to be contacted by CAUAL regarding this matter

Consent and Confirmation

Terms and Conditions
  • Annual Activity Plan approved, in compliance with the provisions of art. 6.1 al. h of Law no. 144/2015
  • Annual budget, in compliance with the provisions of art. 6, paragraph 1, letter h of Law no. 144/2015
Good morning,
I appreciate all your help, the issue has been resolved.
Yours sincerely.
Good morning,
Thank you for your care in this situation. I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you very much!
Thank you very much,
Kind regards
Dr. Ana, thank you very much.
However, my boss contacted the boss of the team member belonging to another professional category, and I can say that the matter will be resolved in principle.
Best regards,
Good afternoon
Are you okay?
The conflict with the bank has been resolved, they sent me a letter admitting the error.
The refund of the amounts charged in excess, although barely noticeable, was made by returning the total amount paid to date and then charging the monthly fees with the contractual spread.
Greetings and thanks for your help, it was essential.
Good afternoon, thank you very much.
I received a response that they would repair the air conditioning, as requested.
I would like to thank you once again for your intervention, Dr. Felícia, without which I would not have been able to resolve this situation.
Thank you very much for your clarification and for all your professionalism.
It helped a lot and it was great to be able to count on you.
Best regards,
Good afternoon, I hope you are well. I am very grateful for your availability and attention to this matter. I confirm that everything has been resolved as I wanted.
Best regards,
Dear Mrs. Dr.
I am very grateful to you for your interest and intervention.
I wouldn't have made it without you!
Best regards,
Good morning,
I appreciate the care taken in updating the process.
I inform you that the answer is in line with what I intended.
Thank you sooooooooo much.
Good morning
I hope everything is fine with you. You can do the impossible.
Thank you for everything. Best regards
Thanks for the help
I hope you had a very Happy Holidays.
Yes, the Executive Director agreed that all employees with vacations scheduled on those days could change them in order to benefit from the tolerance.
I thank you for all your support and wish you an excellent 2023.
  • Systematic problems (art. 9 no. 2 subparagraph b) – consumer situations with telecommunications operators, billing and termination of contracts. Issues with airlines, namely flight delays and cancellations.
  • Percentage rate of rejected disputes and grounds (art. 9 no. 2 al. c) – Since CAUAL has general and territorial jurisdiction, and can cover any legally arbitrable dispute, only complaints that do not fall within the scope of the Center's jurisdiction will be rejected, namely issues that may constitute the commission of a crime/criminal area. In 2023, CAUAL did not reject any cases.
  • Average duration of procedures (art. 9 no. 2 subparagraph f) – The average duration of alternative dispute resolution procedures at CAUAL has, in principle, a maximum limit of 90 days, and this period may be extended depending on the complexity of the cases presented or the density of the cases in progress. In 2023, the average duration of alternative dispute resolution procedures at CAUAL was 30 working days.”
Process Entry and Filings
Incoming ProcessesArchived CasesResolved Cases
  • In the archives we include resolved processes and those in which the action was withdrawn.
Archiving results
Mediation with agreementConciliationArbitrationIncompetenceWithdrawalMediation without agreementRefusal of arbitrationOthers
  • The remaining cases that are not included here, but are in the total amount (148), concern other consumer issues, which are not requested here.
Conflicts concerning essential public services
Postal ServicesElectronic CommunicationsWaterElectricityGasPublic Transport
Process entry837823115
Filing of processes837823115
Resolved processes73752193
Detailed information tables
Mediation with agreementConciliationArbitrationIncompetenceWithdrawalMediation without agreementRefusal of arbitrationOthers
Postal services07001000
Electronic Communications333001000
Public transport03101000
Top 10 complained about topics
Consumption (in general)ElectricityGasMeoWaterVodafoneUsBilling (miscellaneous)Leisure (hotels, travel, spas...)Gyms - Loyalty