With the publication of Law no. 69/2018, of 26 December, a diploma amending Decree-Law no. system to encourage the return and deposit of beverage packaging made of plastic, glass, ferrous metals and aluminum (Cans).
The measure was published in the Diário da República last Wednesday, and will be in the form of a pilot project until the end of next year.
1st Phase - Incentive System
The incentive system is implemented until December 31, 2019 in the form of a Pilot Project, for the return of plastic bottles, with a view to guaranteeing their forwarding for recycling.
This incentive system consists of awarding a premium to the final consumer, a value to be regulated by the government. For this purpose, machines will be made available that allow the return of bottles to be installed in large commercial areas and in other take-back points that voluntarily articulate with the government.
Commercial areas that are part of the pilot project are required to implement a duly marked area on their premises exclusively intended for the sale of beverages in reusable packaging or 100% biodegradable.
2nd Phase - Deposit System
As of January 1, 2022, a deposit system for plastic, glass, ferrous metals and aluminum beverage packaging is mandatory.
The deposit amount (tare) will be regulated by government order.
For more information consult Law No. 69/2018 - Diário da República No. 248/2018, Series I of 2018-12-26117484671